Top Interview Questions!.

7 questions you should be asking during an interview

The first interview between a recruiter and a candidate can be crucial in sending the correct person over to your client. Posing a variety of particular questions will help you uncover the passion, cultural fit, work ethic, knowledge, skills, problem-solving abilities, strengths and weaknesses while also finding out about the person behind the CV; revealing the candidate’s personality, interests, likes, dislikes and what they enjoy to do outside of work.

Trying to find out if a person is the right fit for a company in 1 interview can be tricky; nowadays having the skills and experience in a certain field just isn’t enough and employers want somebody who is also a personality match, whatever that may be.

Here are 7 questions we think are essential to ensuring you find the right candidate.


1. Where do you see yourself in five years?

This is an important question as it is crucial to understand whether your candidate’s career path is aligned with the position which they are applying. Bringing on a candidate who isn’t looking for a long term career path developing in the position, won’t do any favours in terms of a long-term hire. Be careful of answers which sound more like wishful thinking than actual long-term plans.

2. What frustrates you?

When a potential candidate talks about past experiences and frustrations, they often reveal details about there personality and ability to work on a team. Depending on there answers you can then establish what makes them tick and if they are a potential good match for the company you are recruiting for. Does your candidate talk about when they resolved a serious conflict or are they just complaining about previous irritations?

3. What were your least and most favourite subjects in school?

By asking this question you can establish what the person’s strengths and weaknesses are, while also getting an understanding on what challenges your candidate. This question is not just about gathering how academic the person is but also learning about there personality and how they handle certain situations; even though they struggled in a certain subject did they work a little harder and try there best despite of it all? This can help you understand how determined they are as people.

4. What motivates you?

This is your chance to detect what drives your candidate, if what drives the interviewee matches the position and your client’s corporate culture, you have a winner. Dig further to find out whether it’s money which motivates your candidate or if it’s the industry itself. To ensure there is a sufficient drive the interviewee needs to have a real passion for the business and a desire to do well and jump through hoops, if they just want to make money it can often come with limitations.

5. What is your greatest achievement?

Depending on what you are recruiting for this may be a specific project or an award they have received. This will then give you an understanding about there passion for the role; if you feel the candidate hasn’t given enough detail on why this is their greatest achievement then be sure to question a little further. If somebody is really enthusiastic and passionate about the position in which they are interviewing for then the greatest achievement should be something in relation to the role itself.

6. What do you do outside of work? Do you play sports?

A person who is active outside of work is crucial if you are recruiting for a role where the employee needs to have an outgoing, competitive nature. Playing sports, whether currently or previously can give you a good understanding of the candidates personality. This can also show they are active, competitive while also able to work well within a team.

7. Why should we put you forward for this role?

This is probably one of the best questions as its the candidates chance to really sell themselves and tell you what sets them apart from other potential employees. Someone who is attentive and has listened carefully during the interview can use this as there chance of explaining why they are great for the role, being careful to match what the employer is looking for to there set of skills, education, industry credentials and personality. Somebody who is able to explain why they would be a great asset to the business will prove this once they are hired.

Understanding all the reasons why a candidate could potentially be good for a role is important, personality and culture fit needs to be a perfect match for the company along with there knowledge and previous experience. Answering the above questions can give you a real insight to the person in front of you and not just reiterate what is already on there CV.

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