Out Perform the Competition and Sing Your Way to 2015 Job Success.

So another year has passed. We’ve had world cup woes, celebrity #selfies and more buckets of ice cold water than I care to recall! It’s been a great year, but 2015 can be even better. Now it’s your time to shine (‘bright like a diamond’).

January is the month for recruitment. Many people will find they’re not as happy as they were in their current role, or that it’s just time for a change – you know the old adage ‘New year, new me’. This means more leavers, more jobs and a lot more work for recruiters; not that anyone’s complaining!

So with more people looking for jobs, how can you make sure you stand out and pip the competition to the post?

We thought we’d set our handy hints to the hits of 2014 – so plug your headset in, get your hairbrush out and let’s sing ourselves to 2015 success!

Get Focused

Like dearest George Ezra, sometimes we have to make sacrifices to get where we want to be; be that a house in Budapest and a hidden treasure chest or social life and a wage cut.

So do you know how far you’re willing to go to get your dream job? Are you happy to work 40 hours a week while caring for two adorably sticky toddlers? Can you afford to take a pay cut and still pay the rent, or are you happy to move back in with your parents to secure an amazing training package?

By considering all your options you’ll be applying for fewer jobs and save yourself some disappointment – it gets tiring hearing back from no one; especially those jobs you weren’t that struck on.

It’ll also help when you write your applications, because if you’ve considered your life within the role you’re already living it in your head – and if ‘everything is awesome’ (Lego movie style) then your passion should show. Leading me onto my next point…

Get Passionate

We all know Sam Smith doesn’t have money on his mind, he does his job, he does it for the love.

This is something that will stand out head and shoulders above some of your competition – are you truly passionate about what you do? Is it just a job you’re looking for, or is it more than that, is it a career?

If you’re truly passionate you need to get it across. This passion could be for the role itself, the industry or sector it’s based in or the company advertising the role. Whatever it may be, make sure this passion is visible from application stage to offer; in your CV, interview prep, interview etc..

Get Confident

Follow in Kesha and Pitbulls footsteps and be “… the one they won’t forget”…but in a good way. You know you can do the job, because you’ve pictured yourself doing it (while you were listening to George Ezra). So get confident, but not cocky – there’s a fine line between the two and while one will help you secure your dream job, the other will only hinder you.

If you’re not feeling as confident as you’d like, the only advice we can offer is to prepare. Research the role and the duties you’ll perform, the company and their culture (check out the companies Facebook, twitter, blog, any articles they’ve recently been featured in..) and think abut the type of questions you may get asked – don’t write an answer for every question and recite it like a robot, but do have an idea so you won’t look like a rabbit caught in head lights.

Get ‘Happy’

If we want to get along in life, it seems we need take a leaf out of Pharrells book; don an extravagant hat and let ‘nothing’ bring you down. It’s been noted that being happy will lead to a higher salary, and I don’t think it’s much of a leap to say that happy people also have more success looking for jobs –this is likely due to networking opportunities that span from being; approachable, a confidante, positive and so on.

If you’re upbeat and happy you’ll make lasting relationships, and when a role does become available with one of the many connections you have (because you’re so happy they want to stay in touch), they’ll want a positive, can-do-attitude sitting next to them for 8 hours a day, rather than a pessimistic, ‘sun never shines’ kinda guy/gal.

Now staying positive and happy after a long and soul destroying job search is no easy feat, we get that, but that interview you rock up to soaking wet from a snowy blizzard, late and miserable could have been the one that offered you the job – so by showing up soaking wet, late (but you warned them, because you’re a happy and conscientious candidate) but with a smile on that dripping face, you’ll prove how tenacious you are – something every employer is looking for!

Good luck to everyone on your job search!

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