Our Service To Candidates.

We work in partnership with our candidates, not just on behalf of them. To help you in finding your dream job, we’ve collated some of the key reasons why candidates use us over any other financial recruitment company:

  • Comprehensive ‘needs analysis’ when we meet you:

Your initial meeting with us will help us understand how your motivations, ambitions and experience translate into what particular opportunities and businesses you will be most suited to in the short-term and in the long term. Consequently, we will be able to offer specific and insightful career advice / guidance tailored exclusively to your needs.

  • CV advice:

Your expertise is finance and accountancy… Ours is recruitment. We see 100’s of CVs a week, and have considerable experience in listening to what our clients like to see on a CV and what makes a CV stand out. Therefore we always offer intuitive advice on the structure and layout of your CV – helping you to present your experience in the best possible way for each application you make.

  • Interview preparation:

No matter how well matched you are to a vacancy, if you fail to demonstrate your ability and capability to do the job at interview then the likelihood is that you won’t get that offer. Don’t let poor preparation cost you what could be the job of your dreams… We ensure that you will get comprehensive interview preparation tailored specifically to you, and to the vacancy for which you are interviewing. This might include suggested research, likely questions to prepare for, how to present your experience and achievements with the most impact, reaffirming why you have been shortlisted and general pointers regarding good interview etiquette and practice.

  • Honest feedback:

Our brand promise at Mitchell Adam is to operate with total honesty and transparency, therefore you will get full and frank feedback all the way throughout your job search process – both after our initial meeting and after you have attended interviews. This is a valuable process that helps you to learn from your experiences, and apply these lessons to future meetings and interviews.

  • Offer management:

Upon receiving a successful offer of employment, we will represent you in a way that ensures we are always getting the best possible offer for you and for our client. We will advise you throughout the whole offer process, ensuring you know what to expect and when to expect it, how to handle handing your notice in, dealing with counter offers and managing your notice period.

  • Salary benchmarking:

Using our extensive knowledge of the accountancy & finance market in the Midlands, we can advise you on what sort of salary you should be aiming for in relation to your experience and qualifications – ensuring that you are accurately and professionally represented in today’s ultra-competitive job market.

  • Career mapping:

Perhaps you are a training accountant interested in one day becoming an FD? Or maybe you have other long-term goals you want to work towards? We are able to offer you a specific plan to ‘map’ your career – ensuring any move you make in the short-term complements your long-term ambitions, and sets you on the path to your final career destination.

  • Market knowledge:

If we are not able to find you a job, we can at the very least offer you expert advice on the job market thanks to our in-depth understanding and experience of the particular market you are in. We analyse the market every day, thus we are able to offer you a useful insight into the challenges you may face and how to overcome them.

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