How to Find the Time to Job Hunt.

We all reach that time when we decide to search for a new job, whatever the reason may be. But if you’re employed and have other commitments, where do you find the time?

Some years ago I left college and was working full-time in retail when I decided to start applying for apprenticeships in my chosen field. Back then the recession was in full swing and gaining even junior level employment without the relevant experience seemed impossible. At first using the National Apprenticeship site was quite exciting and new, though before long I had to develop a system to avoid taking hours each evening and looking at the same jobs each day.

Weekend job hunting
So you’ve finished work for the week, this is the perfect chance! Even if you have things to do, in the space of 48 hours you can surely fit in the time to search for your perfect new role. Either you can spend a bit of time over the two days you have off or spend a chunk of one day having a browse.

During the evening
For some people by the time they’ve returned home from work, done any jobs such as cooking the dinner, caring for the kids and prepping for the next day it’s time to relax. However, for others this is the time to see which new jobs have been added to any job sites, dependent on circumstances. If you’re seeking new employment for strong reasons involving your current job or a business you work for it can be the perfect motivator!

Have a browse during lunch
I’m not telling you to use your work computer to search. In this day and age your employer can see every site you visit, at times setting off alarm bells for them.

But you can use your mobile to search the likes of Reed or Totaljobs and place a favourite on a job or send them to yourself to apply for later.

Use an array of tools
Don’t just stick with a couple of job searching techniques as employers use a variety of ways to search for candidates. For example, if they only hire via two of the main recruiting sites whilst you search via another two, then you’ll never see each other. Try as many sites as possible, including Indeed and CV Library.

Recruitment agencies
Not that we’re blowing our own trumpet but an agency can be your best friend. A consultant will discuss your career aims, meet with you and seek to find a company and role that would act as the right fit. And the best reason to use an agency? They do all of the leg work, therefore saving you time.

Simply search for recruitment companies that work in your area and send in your CV. There’s also nothing wrong with applying for multiple roles with a company or calling in to discuss any particular roles you’ve seen.

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