How are you feeling about the Velo now that it’s much closer?
Ron: I can’t quite believe it’s this Sunday, it’s come round a bit too fast for my liking. In hindsight… I probably should of got a lot more miles on the board. I’ll make sure I complete it but I have no idea what state I’ll be in by the end of it.
Jess: Very nervous, just hoping that I can make the 100 to be honest, without collapsing… or dying.
Adam: Yeah, I’m excited, looking forward to do it and can’t wait.
Dee: I’m looking forward to it being over, quite excited to see how far I’m going to go. I think it’ll be quite fun, a challenge for me.
Do you have any comments on your Mitchell Adam branded kit? Anything you like or don’t like?
Ron: It’s a sweet kit. Credit goes to Adam Butler, especially fond of the extra padding.
Jess: I love my costume. There’s so many pockets for snacks.
Adam: It’s good, nice and padded, so it’ll be a nice comfortable ride.
Dee: It’s cool, I would have gone for some long sleeves or long legs as I feel the cold. I like the colours, the company colours match my bedroom.
I imagine you need to pack light, so what are your must haves for the cycle?
Ron: Snacks, snacks, snacks. Having tried out the last 25 miles of the course already I know we’re all in for a massive challenge, any extra energy will be welcomed.
Jess: Energy gels, lots of water, flapjacks, deodorant, hair spray, maybe some foundation.
Adam: Apart from the inner tubes, pump I’m going with Haribo, little energy bars and waterproof jacket.
Dee: Energy gels, my bank card for snacks at stop offs, water and jam sandwiches, because a candidate told me that’s what I’ll need.
Over the last few weeks, what have you focused on prep wise? Eating, training, drinking more water?
Ron: I’ve always been very last minute, however I think I left this one a little too last minute. Tried a few rides, I did 40 miles on Monday… it was a massive wake up call. All of this week I’ve eaten right, been drinking well and stretching day and night, making sure I’m supple for D-Day.
Adam: None of the above, I had great intentions but unfortunately life got in the way. I wish I’d done more prep.
Dee: I’ve not directly been thinking about the Velo, I’ve been eating and drinking more water, been to the gym a few times and started taking some vitamins. So the Velo has made a positive change to my lifestyle.
Are you confident you’ll complete it or do you have any targets or finish times?
Jess: I would just see that completing the 100 miles as an accomplishment, no finish times, just doing it in a day.
Adam: I’d like to finish in less than seven hours.
Dee: So, I always try to do everything to the best of my ability, I know in my head that I won’t hit 100 miles, I’ll try, but I’ll be happy if I hit 50.
What do you think will get you through this marathon challenge?
Jess: Probably the energy gels and lots of sugar.
Adam: I can’t bare the thought of failing and I’ve got a bit of inspirational music to carry me through the last 20 miles.
Do you have any plans for your bike when you’ve finished? Have you found a new found passion or will you be seeking a second home? (For the bike that is).
Jess: It will be going in the bin. And I’ll be going straight back to my gym classes, I’d have preferred tough mudder really.
Dee: I think I might be giving it back to Scott, who kindly lent it to me, thanks Scott. I don’t think I’ll continue with cycling but I’m also up for tough mudder.
What do you plan to eat once you’ve finished?
Ron: For dessert I want a warm brownie and cream. I’m thinking of either a Domino’s half and half Texan BBQ pizza or a 6-piece from KFC. I’m not sure what would be on the other half of the pizza until the day.
Jess: A big, extra-large pizza and maybe a gin and tonic.
Adam: Right I’ve been in a debate about this, either gonna have pizza or steak. But really a pint is what I’m most looking forward.
Dee: A Big Mac meal with strawberry milkshake, lemonade, tea and cake.
Good luck everyone. We can’t wait to hear how you all got on!